Real Eyes The ME in MEME

The word ‘meme’ was first popularly used by Richard Dawkins in his book, The Selfish Gene. The word ‘meme’ has come to mean a cultural accretion of knowledge, a package of several ideas that can be passed onto others. It’s usually more complex than a single idea, and can represent a fashion/music/lifestyle or a belief. It is the mental equivalent of a gene whereby a package of many attributes is passed on.
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- Someone new to the idea of memes might say: why don’t we just call them ideas? The answer is that memes act as if they have a life of their own. Whether they do or not is not the relevant point, but they do replicate and have a dynamism absent from our common notion of a simple idea.
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- A meme has been regarded too narrowly I believe, and I am interested in broadening the definition of a meme. No matter how narrow a definition you give to a meme, sooner or later you have to consider more nebulous or abstract ideas as having acquired enough cultural accretion to have become memes. It’s easy to conceive of a visual fad such as the hula-hoop as having a chartable spread through society and calling it a meme, but surely socialism, futurism or a new political idea are also memes that spread through society.
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- Know what I Meme? - The KEY!
Memes seem to have an arc of existence defying simple replicative models. Indeed, I daresay many memes lie dormant awaiting resurgence, as might forgotten gods that can spread like wildfire. Let’s say a meme like Nazism could be re-established which is why many are so keen to quash it.
Leaping Real Eyes Links: Condensed - Real Eyes the "ME" in MEME
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